Valentine Gift Ideas - Massage Gift Voucher – 3 Reasons Why

Treat yourself and your partner to a gift that communicates love, affection and good health like no other: Massage Therapy. 

  1. Stress relief - Stress relief is one of the first benefits that come to mind when thinking of massage therapy. It's also a key component for anyone trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Research has shown that it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, calms the nervous system and increase the production of endorphins, your body's natural "feel good" chemical. Serotonin and dopamine are also released through massage. 

  2. Reduce pain and discomfort - Massage affects the activity of certain genes, directly reducing inflammation in muscles — the same result you’d get by taking aspirin or ibuprofen and boosting their ability to recover from exercise. Massage makes your body feel better by increasing circulation, improving flexibility and releasing those knots and crinkles that can seem rooted in muscles. Massage has been shown to reduce back pain, neck pain and headache, and to be effective for chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and arthritis.  

  3. Relaxation - Many live their demanding lives day to day without taking any time out just for themselves. Everyone deserves a time out moment of relaxation and a soothing hour of pampering is just right for that. Massage will relax your mind and your body, it has been shown to reduce anxiety and increase feelings of well-being. The length of the massage will depend on how long you would like it to last. You can have an hour, an hour and a half, or two hours if you wish.

Our Updated Massage Menu

Remedial Massage

Our Remedial massages involve assessment, treatment and often include homework (stretches and exercises). Sessions can include a combination of Myofascial Release, Deep tissue & Trigger Point massage and stretching.

Sports Massage

Our sports massage focuses on recovery, rehabilitation and prevention for events and training sessions. Massage sessions include assessment and treatment.

Therapeutic Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Our Therapeutic massages are recommended for those who enjoy regular massage. This massage walks the line between Relaxation and Remedial. Some parts will be beautifully relaxing while others, like you're "being fixed".

Relaxation Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Our Relaxation massages use slow and gentle strokes to help you drift off to your happy place as the stresses of life are gently massaged out of your physical body.

Hot Stones Massage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Our hot stones massage is a rejuvenating treatment option that uses heated stones to encourage blood flow throughout your body. This can relieve chronic pain, help de-stress your mind and body and encourage deep relaxation.